Hooked on Beach Camping

I firmly believe that when one goes on holiday a beach or river bank should be involved. Recalling camping trips, I couldn’t think of one location that wasn’t near a water source… wait I tell a lie. My father took me camping in Botswana, and we had to drive a bunch of miles to check out and picnic near the Makgadikgadi Salt Flats- where the horizon was pink from flamingoes. Our campsite was dry but for a swimming pool. But our objective was to get to the salt flats- water!


I’ve camped with my sister and my kids along a beach in Italy, had a fine time with extended family and friends holidaying in beautiful Ballito Bay, South Africa, spent days camping with just my boys on a beach during summer holidays in Hawaii, and just recently my husband, our boys and I slept near a most peaceful spot in the Shenandoah Valley alongside a most picturesque river.

That first glimpse of ocean and my heart leaps, the joy and delight in a waterfall, the sounds of waves and water rushing by, it’s all magical, and I’m hooked.

[Img.Src: Oceanside Camping 1950]

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