Where is the Time to Exercise?


How am I to handle physical pursuits if I prefer to exercise in the morning and the mornings vanish in a blur of work-related endeavors? Give it up? Hope for the best? One goal of mine for 2015 is to exercise 3 times a week. Shouldn’t be too difficult to manage, right? Well, this very week has presented a challenge, as there have been work-related demands on my time that have eaten up whole days in a single swallow. That means an evening routine or trip to the gym on the way home—and I’ve got to slay those dragonian excuses that I can barely move after sunset.

Already my plans for the 1st day of exercise have met a fatality: I’d put yoga and weights into this evening’s routine: However, the end of the ‘day’ only happened after 7PM freezing time. Does it count that I stood outside shivering for 2 hours? By the time I got home I was an ice block who could not change into workout gear and bring out the mats and weights. My second day will be filled with 6 hours of housework.

Hooo boy, what about that 3rd day of the week? Have I ever told you that I live in a vague world, with no specifics of movements, going with the flow and ebb of the moon? Well, on Saturday, maybe in between a brunch and a gallery reception, I’ll try to visit a friend who has an indoor lap pool.

Why would I put such pressure on myself to fulfill my goal of 3 days of exercise each week? Is it because I don’t want to lie to myself? Partly—but the most compelling reason is that this week I’m experiencing stiffness in my back, knees and feet. I’m confident that if I follow through with my goals, get all those lethargic excuses reduced to ashes, that next week and all the ones to follow, my moves will be more fluid. And next week, I might just be able to devote one whole day to dance: in the morning, at noon, and all night long.

But right now, I’ve got to go pack my gym bag and hope for a splendid increased heart-rate gym routine tomorrow. In the afternoon, maybe…

[Img.Src: Hamilton Clock]

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