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Mizzfit will be the first to tell you she is a yo-yo exerciser, and is doing her best to be more consistent in her practices. Her best sport in school was field hockey, she was aces at it. But that was many a moon or two ago. Now she’s a lone runner, the red-faced one, y’know? She’s glad to be a part of this here MoveGirlGO outfit and to share the best of her running & kooky life experiences. Cheers!
St. Swartz – Why move? One of my yoga teachers says, our bodies are designed to do all number of things in order to survive; run, jump, twist, roll, take a beating, recover, and be strong. Feeling strong is a big motivator for me. One of the toughest moves I detest is the first one. Getting this mind to agree to new action and somehow trick, bribe, coerce, and bargain this body into accordance is a challenge. After a time at a new course of treatment I notice I’m more agile, stronger, my breath is relaxed whilst hard at work and I’m able to meet harder challenges with ease in mind and body. This is what I’m here for I remind myself. This is why I lace up my takkies and run thru murderous side stitches, angry quads and get up early to beat the heat. And it’s why I love tackling the vinyasa 2 class and why I dig the tremble of my legs as we hold poses just a few more breaths. That motivates me- my strength, and feeling it grow.
Ms. Bockle likes a fresh early start to the day, before the air gets too sluggish, or rather, before her mind gets side-tracked by non-essentials. The best time to move would be before answering the call of the internet and facebook. And the movement? Could be anything from walking or hiking to yoga and weights; better yet would be a couple dozen laps in a pool, where she would be the only one making the ripples. In a distant past life, she was a swim, field hockey and tennis coach; she still owns a tennis racket and needs to find a nearby court.
LaFitterina: I’m a baby boomer who grew up the weakest skinniest kid in the class and always the last one to be picked for the team. When my sweat glands developed, I developed a hatred for breaking a sweat. Then I discovered exercise in my early 30’s, and never looked back (it’s scary back there). Now, I go to the gym about 6x per week, averaging 8 to 9 hours of exercise (goal being 10 hours per week). The personal biological experiment that I’ve conducted over the past several decades has yielded much that I’d be thrilled to share in posts covering a wide range of subjects. For all you followers of MoveGirlGO, let’s get moving!
FitnessFlirter: I’m a gen-Xer and have wonderful childhood memories of dance class, basketball, softball, and cheerleading. In college I continued with cheerleading and I later learned how to play tennis. It is those experiences that were the foundation for my love of group exercise classes at the gym. For me the trick seems to be to have fun, which makes the class feel more like I am a kid again, playing rather than working. I am constantly reminded how the mind, body, and spirit are connected, which have evolving and expanding interests with movement. What a treat to share my journey with the MoveGirlGo followers. Let’s move and have fun!