I’ve been working on ceramics to sell at a show which took place on the 7 & 8 June weekend in San Mateo Central Park. The outcome was better than my expectations. I sold 6 of my ‘creations’ plus one person wants me to make a fish to their specifications. See more at my website www.legalizepottery.
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For many moons now I’ve been ever watchful for bees. I’ve researched their nectar & pollen gathering, dances and colony deaths. I love to create bee-centric projects and for May I pleated paper, stitched, painted, collaged and stitched some more. For your ever-lovin eyes: Bees on a Paper Meadow.
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St. Swartz:
Got hooked on beading, in particular Prayer Bead aka Mala Necklaces with several combinations of semi-precious stones and lovely silk tassels.
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Ms. Bockle:
My gardening project began in May, and it’s on-going & never ending, a great source of inspiration, therapy and creativity. If something gets overgrown, it can be moved elsewhere, and if I’ve put something in the wrong spot and it’s looking sick, I’ll try it in a new spot. No colours clash, wildlife is welcome to sniff and sip nectar; diggings and munchings–not so much.
I’ve got the supplies all ready for covering cushions for the chairs on my porch. I’m hoping for this project to be done by the end of June. Yikes, better get sewing. And hopefully, by the end of June the feral cats will stop coming to mark their territory on my outdoor furniture.
Meet mother and child elephant, a commissioned graphite drawing that’s nearly complete.
We’d love to hear about what y’all have been up to, and hope our projects inspire you to get busy using your lovely brains and hands. Cheers!