Can We Reach Our Goals?

As we’re talking about January goals this week, I was going to start off with listing the most common New Year’s Resolutions, but y’all know them. Instead, I’m sharing a link that lists them, but the clincher is that it’s a government website with each resolution having a link to a site that will supposedly help you lose weight, volunteer more, get fit, save money, etc. Another site has joined the most common resolutions with apps that might help you keep them. Most of the apps are free and if one is consistent about using them I can see how they might help change habits for the better. If these 2 sites help us reach our goals, bonus!


Why is it hard to keep New Year’s resolutions? After all, the statistics don’t lie – by 6 months only 46% are still going strong. The reasons for our losing ground are simple: humans are lazy, humans get bored easily, new habits are hard to maintain, goals aren’t specific enough and there simply isn’t enough time in the day to get everything we want done. However! I think we forget how excited we were to make our goals, that sense of heady possibility – that feeling that yes, we could change our patterns of laziness, boredom, procrastination…

So, I say – forget the statistics, what are you capable of? Will you remember to reach for your best self at every possible opportunity and try, try, try to not give in to ennui, but instead, always look for the fun ways to reach your goals.

[Img.Src: Saluting Beach Campers]

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