At this time of year, I’m betting that 99% of our readers are renewing their vows to maintain a committed, consistent workout regimen. Let’s all remember that positivity
After a long Holiday break from any blogging responsibilities, I’m bursting with readiness to do some motivational writing! I’ve missed having assignments and deadlines for my MoveGirlGO blogposts,
Please allow me to ramble on about some of the things I like best about Christmas, which fall into the following TOP-FIVE categories: XMAS DECORATIONS — Our world
2015 still seems like a New Year, so it’s mind-boggling that all of a sudden we’re faced with doing our annual review of personal fitness/health. You may recall
This Thanksgiving week we are giving you our very-best-favorite quotes. So, I decided to spend a few minutes looking at our MoveGirlGO archives to find some quotable tidbits
Among footraces, the iconic San Francisco Bay-to-Breakers 12K (7.46 miles), held on the 3rd Sunday of May, is famous for lots of reasons: Longest running footrace (held since
Thank goodness I’ve gotten some good advice through the years. Examples — Best Advice to the Lovelorn (from my Dad): You shouldn’t get married, because you’re too much
You know how they tell you to prepare for a job interview by anticipating a question along the lines of “What’s your greatest weakness”, and that a good