New Favourites for your Summer

How can a person limit themselves to just a few top movies?  I asked my husband his top 3 favourites and of course we argued – but he eventually agreed with me – everybody knows that The Empire Strikes Back is the best of the Star Wars flicks. We agreed that Snatch is a fun show full of crazy moving parts with crazier characters that make for a most entertaining movie.  His final pick was Pirates of the Caribbean. I enjoyed getting a guys take on his top picks. When talking to my boys my 15 year old surprised me with throwing in The Breakfast Club.

guys choice

I dithered on my selection but whittled it down to The Godfather, The Good the Bad and the Ugly and Airplane. Yep I think that is a perfect selection.

st. swartz movies

Books. One of my top ten must haves is my kindle. And I have amassed an unholy library of rubbish on this device. However, I have kept my all time favourite books on my bookshelf in the out of date style, that is, bound paper. Number 1 is Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. His prose is like candy and this tale does not disappoint.

love in the time of cholera

A great lolling around on the sand is Clive Barker’s Weaveworld – fantasy fiction with a healthy dose of horror, gore and a smidgeon of romance. Perfection.


A book that I’ve had on my shelf since I was a young girl – preteen! – is A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton Porter. In fact any of her books are wonderful reads; Laddie, The Keeper of the Bees, Freckles and The Magic Garden. Girl of the Limberlost is a perfect summer read. Makes you want to go outside and be one with the forest and net butterflies and shit.

girl of the limberlost

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