Time to Break Out the Bikinis
|This Summer is taking it’s time to get here. The temps have risen a bit and the sun is shining but with no intensity. I haven’t given a thought to going to a pool or beach so I haven’t given a thought to all the wobbles. I will say this though– while living in Sicily and enjoying her beaches I was greatly influenced by the Italian women who all wore bikinis, young, old, thin, plumpy, saggy, flabby didn’t matter- they seemed to revel, rejoice and embrace their forms– (the men too in their banana hammocks). I bought and sported my first bikinis there, thanx to those beautiful loving themselves Italian women.
While living in Hawaii my bikinis got even smaller. I can’t go all the way with the thong, but mad props to women who proudly display their bums. I do go as small as I comfortably can. I’m sure as I get older my bikini choice will tame and cover more and more but I hope I’ll always have the two piece bathing suit in my beach bag and sod off all the judgy haters.
[Img.Src: Isola Bella, Taormina, Sicily — Bikini, 1972]