Our very first 15 Day Challenge is almost here and we’re pretty excited about it. The idea behind this simple challenge is to use our own momentum for 15 days – no special equipment will be needed, and each day’s challenge can take as long/short as you need. Each day targets a different muscle group, and it’s up to you to see how many repetitions your body and mind are capable of busting out.
What’s the point of this challenge? Well, for one thing, it’s to carry on the good intentions brought on by a new year into February, right smack into Valentine’s Day. What better way to show self-love then to do a few crunches? Each day’s challenge can be done whenever you have a spare moment, and can be completed in under 15 minutes – and totally count towards your daily activity log.
How do you want to feel at the end of a 15 Day Challenge? It’s all up to you. This challenge is meant to be a fun way to gauge how strong you are, not to defeat you with boot-camp-like demands of 30 push-ups in 2 minutes! Like your good mama told you, “You get out of life what you put into it” – and so it goes for this challenge. Will you do more than 15 each day, build on your success? If any of the challenges are well, challenging – say, push-ups, simply do one at a time, take a break, and tackle another one, send some emails, tackle another one, etc – you know you’re pretty strong, right?
Here’s what the challenge looks like: