There are innumerable reasons why I love my brain. When certain parts of my body give me grief, my brain keeps on functioning. Even though I’ve been prone
Before yesterday, I was all set to speak about a new desire I’ve acquired of ridding my home of unwanted, unused and uninspired items—from shoes to obsolete plastic
Since I enjoy the whole process of moving: Yoga, lifting weights, walking to town or on trails, using devices at the gym: treadmill, bike, elliptical; afterwards experiencing a
The last month of 2015 was awesome in all ways, offering up ways to get in touch with friends and family, baking, traveling to Morro Bay, celebrating Christmas
Several things are happening simultaneously in these last weeks of December: parties in neighbourhoods and workplaces pop up everywhere, houses get decorated, shopping occurs in mammoth proportions, baking,
I think that stamina starts in the brain and gets filtered down, around and through all our joints, bones, and muscles until our bodies get the message that
It gives me great pleasure to start listing pursuits that give me pleasure. Course, simplicity is relative—what may be simple for me might be complex, tedious and total
My energy levels are totally inconsistent, but one thing that I’m loathe to admit—as far as the cause of low energy—would be the number of years I’ve spent