Say Yes to Contemplative Decisions
|When I was in 6th Grade, my teacher told my Mom that I had difficulty making decisions. How my teacher had assessed this, I have no idea, but ever since then I’ve seen myself as indecisive. But, could it be that I simply tend to gather more input than the average person? Or that I string-out the decision-making process because I’m contemplative and not impulsive? Anyway, I’ve managed to struggle through life, somehow making decisions on a daily basis. Here are some examples of recent decisions I’ve muddled through.
1 – Got a new gardener and asked him to re-do the desolate, weedy hill in back of my house, adding a drip system and 30 new flowering plants. It doesn’t look like much right now, but in the next few months it should be an oasis of loveliness:
2 – Debated on the merits of buying an 8’x10’ outdoor carpet for my front patio. Initial internet searching indicated this would be a big expense for something that would undoubtedly deteriorate in a few years, so I decided ‘no’. But then I went to TJMaxx Home Goods, and somehow bee-lined myself to their hanging display of rugs, and there was a Tommy Bahama rug with pattern and colors that I liked, the right size, priced at $200, which I decided was too perfect to pass up. Here’s my fabulous outdoor seating vignette:
3 – In the 1st part of this year, I decided to amp-up my workouts to lose weight and gain muscle. As previously posted, the changes included:
- No skipping the gym on Thursdays
- Additional weekly classes: Barre, Interval/Circuit, Squats/Lunges
- Doing back-to-back classes
- Personal Training Sessions in the weight-room
This worked to lose fat and get my weight down to an amazing low which I love seeing on the scale at my morning weigh-in.
4 – Last week, I started noticing bad effects from the above-described amped-up exercise regimen. My knee started aching more than usual, and one morning I could barely walk due to sudden flare-up in my hip — my body was saying ‘no’ to continued abuse. I went to a Sports Medicine doctor and had my knee and hip x-ray’d. He prescribed Physical Therapy, and I’ve now decided (actually, no choice involved) to back-off my extreme exercising and do more Pilates, Yoga, recumbent biking, stretching, and sitting in the Jacuzzi with the jets targeted on my legs.
5 – Really, out of of all the rest of the choices I’ve made this year, I can’t decide which is worthy of 5th place. After much internal debate and brain storming with myself, I’m still at a loss. So, I’ll just say that my 6th Grade teacher was right.