Two Historical Women to Revere

Instead of frivolous Summer fluff, we’re focusing this week on our favorite historical heroines. This topic immediately brought to mind some assignments from grammar school, in which I had to read and write about Clara Barton and Marie Curie. I have since always revered these women. Just some bare facts about them remained stuck in my head which are the basis for my synopses below (fact-checked and a bit enhanced by a quick ‘Net search).

Regarding Clara Barton (1821-1912 — wow, 90 years old): She worked as a wartime nurse (Civil War) and founded the American Red Cross. I have to conclude that her influence must have been one of the drivers behind my becoming a Certified Nurse Assistant in my post-retirement.

Regarding Marie Curie (1867-1934 — sadly, only 66 years old): She discovered radioactivity and, in pursuit of her research, she sacrificed her health (over-exposure to radiation). According to the ‘Net, she was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only woman thus far to win twice (Physics in 1903, Chemistry in 1911). Definitely, she helped instill in me the all-important imperatives of hard work and career.

These women were fearless pioneers and their biographies are refreshingly untainted — no gossipy references to scandals, personality flaws, etc. such as we might find with our modern-day heroines.

You might enjoy these good quotes I found:

Clara Barton:


Marie Curie:

[Img.Src: Clara Barton c1904, Marie Curie c1920]

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