Inspiration/Perspiration Fridays


Refresh Your Good Brain

Ms. Bockle: Here I was, doing my normal morning tea and dishes routine, thinking about this week and how nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Then it hit me: This was my first work week after a glorious TWO week break in glorious surroundings with wonderful company. On reflection on these past days, I realize that my attitude was positive, energy was way up, coping and competency skills were all at the ready, and I have today off!


Another realization: In order to not let my tank run dry before the next holiday, I’ve got to maintain all those great ‘confidence-boosting’ drives every week, no matter what. In order to do that, I need to take short breaks from my routine–plan little day trips whenever I can in order to keep my enthusiasm at its peak. Even if it’s a walk to the local marina to sit on a bench and view the boats on the water; my brain needs refreshments.

Write Good all the Time

LaFitterina: As a MoveGirlGO girl, I’m obsessed with fitness, health, and diet. But another passion of mine, which also goes along with blogging, would have to be words and writing/editing. This week I ran across a list entitled ‘How to Write Good’, which I hope will be amusing to you.


Thanks, Golda!

Mizzfit: Sometimes a girl needs a little help in remembering how to be happy, and someone else’s wise words can be just the boost she needs.


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