Run When You Can…

running_owieThere’s nothing quite like not being able to run when I want to, whether it be a mental or physical blockade. I’ve had the usual neck, knee, back, groin sprains that keep a body from the road, and which only ice-packs and time can heal. And that’s what we’ll be focusing on this week – what have been the most significant traumas or owies that have kept us from moving forward or continuing on as usual.

brain_gamesOther than sprains my biggest obstacle to keeping a steady running pattern has always been mental. I’d love to be one of those chicks who can just jump into her takkies first thing in the morning and hit the road. But, alas, there’s always a wee bit of negotiating going on inside my noggin – and I do count it as a handicap, especially when I don’t run because of my stupid brain. Anybody got an ice-pack for obstinate brains? Kinda wish I’d come across this Dean Karnazes quote a little earlier in my running journey:


I guess those hard-won nuggets of advice can apply to all other avenues of life too, thanks, Dean K. And as we all know, the best part of an injury is the day you’re cleared to run, and hitting the road reminds you of why you love to move. So, let’s not let our injuries, mental or physical, keep us from pursuing our healthy goals. Brain negotiating over with, running imminent…


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