Love the Strong Olympic Emotions LaFitterina: This week we’re celebrating the Summer Olympics, which I’m watching until my eyes bleed. Yes, I’ve really developed conjunctivitis, which will probably
During the average day a person can make between zero to 2500 choices – ranging from momentous to mundane, including choosing to make up a fact, like I
Enjoying the Season LaFitterina: In addition to my addiction to Coffee, which I revealed a few days back, I confess that lately I’ve been addicted to watching Giants’
Today’s Outfit is a Hit LaFitterina: As I’ve said in previous posts, my morning ritual includes figuring out what outfit I should wear for my daily visit to
It’s a lot more interesting to shop for workout gear now compared to the offerings of the past, don’t you think? And we’re not talking a hundred years ago either.
What’s a Girl to do? LaFitterina: A nasty surprise struck me this morning when my daily weigh-in registered 4 pounds more than the previous morning. I hopped off
With the spate of last week’s gun violence we have started to wonder about neighborhood safety and the trustworthiness of the police. It’s important to feel safe in