Celebrate with Holiday Kindness

I love the year-end holidays – Thanksgiving with all of the food, Christmas with the trimmings, and bringing in the New Year. Our family has little traditions around all of them, some new and some old.


If you have started your holiday shopping at your local mall or downtown you might have experienced some of the holiday cheer. I have noticed a subtle shift the last couple of years. It seems as though the onset of online shopping has brought in less crowds at the stores, which has made shopping more fun. I have also noticed that people seem to be more polite and kind.

My spiritual friends will tell me that the kindness will always start with me, as others reflect back what they see in you. Maybe that is true. I start each day asking for kindness, to be filled with it. My intention is clear: I need to fill myself up before I can give.

My hope is that this holiday season continues to be filled with kindness. There is so much to be grateful for right now and these year-end holidays are a good way to celebrate all that is important to us.

[Img.Src: Christmas shopping, 1964.]

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