Creative Pursuits for April
|Right now I’d like to constructively use the energy that springtime brings in some new-to-me evening pursuits. This topic of what APRIL could do for me couldn’t have been more timely. For the past two years I’ve been getting home on the late-ish side of darkness, so have felt entitled to be a sloth for just a wee while before heading to bed and starting the rat race all over again at dawn.
Now my timetable has changed, with evenings beginning much earlier—affording me anywhere from 3 to 4 hours of…you guessed it! SLOTHTIME! Just before hearing about the theme of the week, I’d been thinking that I could actually change these doldrum habits and become active, creative and productive after getting home. No more of this wake-work-veg-sleep-repeat nonsense.
Given that I’m a morning person, with my early to rise level of energy being akin to a squirrel’s discovery of nuts: “Oh, is this for me?” “Gee gosh goodie, where do you think I could hide this?” etc. There is just no excuse for becoming so inactive after 5PM that fungus begins to grow and flourish between my toes.
So, for this enchanted April, I’m determined not to funnel all the mundane, exercising, gardening or creative activities to collect in an impossible heap of non-accomplishments for the weekend. Here’s a list of my weekly EVENING pursuits for April–(not including weekends):
FIRST WEEK: cook, pay bills, yoga, gym
SECOND WEEK: work on website, early evening walks (with camera), housework
THIRD WEEK: gym, yoga, garden, website
FOURTH WEEK: gym, yoga, art, housework
Happily, this first week has been a positive indication of my level of commitment to a new life-style, and I’m hoping that for the rest of the month my variant levels of energy and moods will not impact my goals.