Inspiration/Perspiration Fridays
|My Biggest Asset
Ms. Bockle: At one time, years ago when I acquired what some referred to as a ‘rocket-fueled’ car (when compared to my 1958 Austin A35), a friend told me–‘You now have an ASSET!!”
Much later, I invested in a Mini Cooper S, and thought of it as my only asset.
Now I’ve got yet a different car, but am no longer thinking of things as my assets—whether they be ‘only’, ‘big’, or ‘small’.
This relatively new discovery: I am my biggest asset.
To say that I’m proud of this discovery is putting it mildly. I was driving to work one day—with no paraphernalia of bags filled with how-to books, no computers, no power point presentations, no sound-effects. When I arrived at my destination it was only going to be me. Did this thought cause sweat and tears? Nope! Suddenly I became aware that I was a package of talents: speaking, laughing, joking, organizing, creating, adapting, energizing. I thought of all my past accomplishments and realized that I had nothing to fear, no reason to doubt—that I could face and meet any challenge brought to the table.
Starting off in the early hours with this thought of my Biggest Assetedness in my head, I’ve got the confidence to drive out doubt, despair and gloom. Instead, I’m glistening, sparkling, shining, and even reaching out and embracing others in the delight of being alive.
Things are not my assets. It’s all just me. But seriously? Get rid of the ‘just’. It’s me. Whoa.
What is the Chemical Signature of Love?
Mizzfit: Here to explain what love is: science! Forget the heart, love is all in the brain and this YouTube video will clue you in. Cheers to a love-filled weekend!
[Img.Src: rusted car]