Making A Successful Day
|To determine whether a day, week, or any period of time has been successful, I turned to a dictionary definition—just in case I wasn’t setting my sights high enough to meet a necessary standard. Interesting, but not surprising what the dictionary came up with. SUCCESS: 1st ‘favorable termination of attempts or endeavors; accomplishing goals’, and 2nd ‘attainment of wealth, honor, position’.
I tend to lean more towards the first meaning of success, as I don’t want the success of my days or any amount of my time to be determined by how much money I’ve made, whether I’ve been promoted, or if I’ve achieved an honor. Course those accomplishments aren’t necessarily bad–they’re just not what I want to focus on.
Ingredients for a successful day can have a myriad number of components, and could be a combination of spontaneous happenings and planned events. On a five star, grandiose day I might do some, but perhaps not all of the following:
- some form of exercise
- have a meaningful conversation
- experience joy when producing art
- accomplish a long or short-term goal
- sell a painting
- have fun at a party
- break into new territory by joining a class to learn a new skill
- do a low-cost home-improvement project (that doesn’t go awry)
- meet a deadline
- read an enjoyable book
- cook a scrumptious meal that I can enjoy eating for days
And then what happens if something in an otherwise perfect day goes badly or horribly wrong? Then it’s time to be philosophical: shrug off the negative stuff — accidents occur, mistakes are made, or calamity strikes. Also, we can use our awesome brain cells and figure out solutions to problems, while realizing that not every day is going to turn out as hoped. After a series of days that get a ‘B’, ‘C’ or even a ‘D’ rating, it’s fantastic to experience one deserving an A+. HOORAH!!
[Img.Src: Beach Women, Party Women, Canoe Women, Reading Woman]