Simple & Healthy Thanksgiving Tips


I’m looking forward to the approaching Thanksgiving 4-day weekend, and I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to keep it simple and healthy. Now’s the time to establish a plan and some specific goals. The best way I know to accomplish that is to make a checklist of DO’s and DON’Ts.

checkmarkDO – Revel in the fact that we’re celebrating food and gratitude. Keeping Thanksgiving simple and healthy requires going easy on the former and focusing on the latter.

checkmarkDO – Spend an hour (or more) each day working out. Extra workouts help counteract the increased food intake. I’ve got my Club’s Thanksgiving schedule already posted on my refrigerator, and hope you’ll do the same with your Thanksgiving exercise plan.

checkmarkDO – Cook a giant turkey, which has less calories, fat, and salt than beef or pork. The following day, carve it into portions (e.g., 4 to 5 oz.), bagged individually and frozen for soups and salads. Use the wishbone for making a wish. Then cook the carcass and throw in all sorts of vegetables for delicious post-Thanksgiving soup.

checkmarkDO – In keeping with an attitude of gratitude, let’s acknowledge what we’re thankful for. I’m especially thankful for family members, companions, and pets that tolerate my superficial, self-centered, moody, materialistic personality.

crossmarkDON’T – Over-eating and over-drinking is a no-no. Drink lots of water before you start eating or drinking.

crossmarkDON’T – No second helpings. The first plateful is plenty, probably more than enough.


crossmarkDON’T – Desserts should be turned down, or maybe have just a taste. Pumpkin pie is about 350+ calories per slice — avoid the crust and you cut this by about 75% — hard to believe! There are recipes for crust-less pumpkin pie, which sounds yummy. Pecan pie is about 500+ calories . . . yikes, that’s a lot of calories to walk off.

crossmarkDON’T – It’s downright insane to go shopping over the Thanksgiving weekend. If you must go shopping, try to patronize neighborhood small businesses, and steer clear of frenzied crowds, crazed drivers, and difficult parking.

Above all, to ensure that you have a ‘Happy Thanksgiving’, do things that truly create happiness for you. Avoid stress and aim instead for peaceful tranquility.

[Img.Src: Cornucopia Revelers]

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