My Summer Workout Gear

Since my ‘workout gear’ is pretty much a joke, as it is comprised of old tee shirts, sweat pants and hand-me-downs, I’m gonna concentrate on my takkies.

Anyone who’s been around me as I walk about has heard me malign my left foot, and with good reason: bulging bunion, crooked and arthritic bones, an additional spur, and callouses galore. I’ve learnt from my yoga-expert daughter that there are 26 bones in each foot, and that I need to be conscientious about daily feet exercises.


I was also advised by a podiatrist, as well as a shoe salesperson, that I needed special shoes that would help my feet—as well as align my whole body. Unfortunately, most of the orthopedic shoes have no aesthetic value, and the first pair of workout tennis shoes I acquired were just plain ugly.

Unbelievably, I wore them faithfully for about 5 years. Fortunately, my blessed bulging bunion burst through the fabric and I had the pleasure of choosing a new pair. When I got to the shoe shop, I was guided through the differences between running and mere walking shoes. I tried on at least 10 pairs, walking between displays from one side of the shop to the other.

I’m now the proud owner of very flashy takkies—(same brand as the other hideous nasty ones)—which are lighter in weight, but not in color and design. I’ve had them now for a couple months, but they still feel new, and every time I lace them up and head out the door, I stroll with pride.

Not one to publish selfies of my face, I’ve taken some feet-selfies that I’m happy to share.


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