How to Create an Ideal Day.
|Everyone wants one. And more than a few want more than one. I think some folks are having one right now. Doing a quick Twitter search #idealday brings up quite a few hits of folks detailing what an ideal day means to them. And most of the days are achievable and fun. There’s even an app that lets you plan out a perfect day to get you on track to discovering new places.
Now, this cat, Brendon Burchard, is convinced -as most motivators are- that you are in charge of creating the ideal life, never mind just one ideal day. He has some interesting questions to ask yourself, and he’ll leave you pondering about what an ideal 24 hours would look like.
Did you think I was going to tell you how to create an ideal day? C’mon, I’m still muddling around trying to figure out if it’s possible at this time. Circumstances being what they are, I’m going to follow a few of BB’s tips for designing a perfect day – and I’ll try to visualize what one should feel like while on my morning run. Good luck creating your ideal day – I just know you’ll have fun thinking, planning, setting up and finally jumping in with both feet. Cheers.
[Img.Src: Wacky clown, bathing clown, 4 acrobat dudes]