Inspiration/Perspiration Fridays
|Getting Some Healthy ZZZZZsss…
LaFitterina: I ran across a great article on “The Power of Sleep”. It’s kinda long, but an easy read, informative, and compelling.
Some of our MoveGirlGO posts have mentioned sleep but, with a few exceptions, usually we’re talking about sleep mode as being the opposite of health-inducing exercise. Turns out that sleep is a big contributor to health, and should be given more recognition as such.
I’m thinking we should start a new website: SnoozeGirlSNORE! Stay tuned for exciting posts on favorite sleeping positions, best dreams ever, pillow comparisons, inspirational pillow-talk, sleep-walking adventures . . .
Meanwhile, let’s all get plenty of sleep this weekend, and wake-up renewed and ready for another week of fitness.
Ode to the Drizzle
Ms. Bockle: One would think that with being in this old world for as long as I’ve been hanging around, that new ways to sweat or being inspired would be few and far between. But no, days and weeks offer up unique stuff, and this week was no exception.
I went out the door this morning, to the scene of grey/white clouds and the sound of dripping coming from my drain pipe. Ahhhhh, I’d heard of forecasts for rain, but hadn’t paid serious attention, so I was so very grateful for that sound of drips. Number one reason? I didn’t water the evening before, so felt that my plants were granted a reprieve.
Number two reason sustained me all the way into work. First there were the vistas of the colours: greys and turquoise sunrise clouds over the hills, with me thinking–what is that blueish green doing being part of the sunrise? Then there was just grey on grey on grey–what a welcome relief to the same ole same ole blue skies and sunshine.
Then comes the number three reason: after getting to work, emerging from the car and inhaling and breathing in that wonderful fresh scent just after the first rains. (And may we please have many more ‘firsts’???) Then sharing the joys of the brilliant beginning of the morning with others arriving at the same time; we’re all feeling blissful, refreshed and invigorated by the smells brought on by a mere drizzle. Are our dispositions so affected by a change in the weather? Are we as fickle as that? Oh yeah.
I Love Lucidity
Banananana Powered Beach Cruiser
St. Swartz: My husband came home on leave this past month, and decided we needed to clear house in preparation for our move back to the mainland at the end of this year. One of the items he sold was my car. I have loved cruising around Kailua in my quiet hybrid. So, a little blue about the loss, I found myself resistant to the truck that he arranged for me to use, because… holy gas guzzler!!!
In protest I nabbed my son’s beach cruiser from the back of the garage, the husband fixed a puncture and WD40ed all the moving bits. I affixed a basket to the handle bars with a number of zip ties. And I have been cruising to yoga class and the beach all week- far more quiet than the hybrid and far more fuel efficient. I run on bananas.
You and your banana-fueled bicycle are awesome, St. Swartz–and man, are you adaptable, or what?
We try! Need plenty of zzzzzs though to manage all my go go go.