Mizzfit’s 15 Day Challenge Results
|Yesterday we finished our first 15 Day Challenge and this week we’ll be sharing the results. As challenges go, ours was not meant to make moving an onerous task, but instead a fun way to test endurance, strength, etc.
For me the most interesting aspect of the challenge was seeing if there was any build-up of resistance to doing the exercises. If I felt any oncoming negativity, I would reframe my thoughts into wanting to do as many push-ups as I could. My other activities left me somewhat lacking in energy on some days, and even then it was interesting to see what the body is capable of when fatigued.
What did I learn from this challenge? That it doesn’t take very long for the body to build momentum, for muscles to adjust to more stress put on them, that leg lifts aren’t too bad, but most of all – that when your body is tired, if you push it, you might wake up with no energy whatsoever, and at that time it’s good to just listen and let the body rest.