Inspiration/Perspiration Fridays


Moving Forward

FitnessFlirter: This week I have been more mindful of the information I have been reading and viewing. Yes, there have been tragic events throughout the world; I have also noticed even more messages of support, kindness, and healing. The reassurance that there is more empathy and compassion in this world helps me believe that heartbreak can turn into hope. My hope is that kindness will continue to spread this season and that it is more contagious than any cold or flu.


Thankful for the Week

Ms. Bockle: I take all my simple pleasures in life, roll them up in a ball, imagine it’s an apple and take a big bite.

What’s the result?

laughter * deep breath of gratitude * a zinglezangle of memories * confidence–YES, I can do this! * acceptance of reality * hope * mistakes happen…move on * energy to accomplish whatever’s on the list * facing the future without fear.


Plus the awareness to not take anything for granted, not even the apple, nor the teeth with which to bite. I am thankful that this week is done, and that there seem to be hours in the day ahead with which I can spin some dreams and happenings.

Am I Being Altruistic?

LaFitterina: With the Season of Giving coming close (Thanks-Giving, Gift-Giving), I’m pondering how I can be more giving/compassionate. But, a friend who is more expert in being compassionate has informed me that it’s better to be altruistic. But, he couldn’t describe how the 2 are different — that is, how do I know if I’m merely acting out of compassion when I was aiming/hoping to be altruistic?

altruistic_compassion_definitionsIt’s dawning on me that if I’m TRYING to be more compassionate or altruistic, then I’m probably being neither. As soon as I starting thinking “Am I being altruistic?”, then I’m NOT, because you can’t expect anything in return, and that probably includes self-knowledge.

Anyway, it’s something to ponder while coping with jostling shoppers and dealing with crazy holiday traffic.

Getting Ready…

Mizzfit: For anyone feeling a little frazzled about either hosting Thanksgiving or doing a bunch of cooking, I found a fun video that has a few tips to help make the holiday a wee bit smoother! Cheers to a lovely weekend.

[Img.Src: Fields of France, Apples 1900]

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