Inspiration/Perspiration Fridays
|Watch Out! Strong Abs Coming Soon…
LaFitterina: Yesterday, I went to Perfect Workout in Menlo Park for a training session in slow-motion high-intensity strength training.
The trainer had me do exercises on Nautilus machines — leg press, chest, thighs, and abs — each rep performed s-l-o-w-l-y (10 seconds each direction). Definitely, my muscles were working more intensely, way beyond how I normally push myself.
They gave me a stack of publications, including the book A Flat Stomach ASAP which is filled with slow-motion abs exercises, nutrition tips, and other information — this could become my new Bible.
According to the literature, the slow-motion method will:
- Increase my body’s metabolism, causing me to burn more fat and calories all day, even while sleeping.
- Reshape and tone my legs and arms.
- Make my body firmer, smaller, and more shapely.
I’m hoping that all this will occur by tomorrow or the next day. I’ll keep you posted.
Having Fun in the Desert Heat
Mizzfit: Since this week was all about how much moving we get up to in the summer, I looked for a video of folks enjoying the heat and these dudes from Gaza– where the temps get hot hot hot and the humidity is pretty high– looked like they were unconcerned with the weather, just simply having fun. Enjoy and cheers to a hot weekend.
[Img.Src: ASAP abs]