Mizzfit’s 3 Month Running Review
|Only a few blossoms remain on the trees as we head into April, and 2017 remains true to form: zooming along on the express track. This week we’re taking a 3 month review of our workout history to see how our year is shaping up, or not.
After my wonderful running-every-day December I’m sad to say I’ve let the running slip to the back burner. Even after finding running shoes that are quite marvelous – the Asics 1000 – my mojo is playing hide and seek. It comes down to the same old story, this girl has more excuses than is good for her.
Maybe it was the waiting to hear if my job interview went well, and then waiting to see if my references said positive things, or waiting to see if my background check revealed any secrets — all quite stressful. I’m sure it’s a universal feeling, being on tenterhooks, praying for good news.
Now that I’ve started the new job, eeesh, I’m on my feet near on 8 hours a day. Can you say sore feet. I sure can. To encourage both mental and physical flexibility I’ve been practicing more yoga, which helps tremendously. And to help with strength, I’ve been making the rounds of squats, lunges, and the odd plank or two. What with being on a new schedule I’ve given myself the leeway to find what works best, what creates the most energy. And doesn’t bring my feet additional pain. It’s all about finding the right balance.