A Tank full of Joie de Vivre Energy
|My energy level is pretty static. I’ve learned to not let a restless night keep me from getting out of the house and being busy. I would love to get more sleep, but I’m more often than not up way before the sun. I use coffee and food to fuel my day. A coffee to clear the cobwebs and tighten up the edges. I try to eat food that is still fresh and lively- more energy! Greeting the sun on my early morning walk with the dog helps chase away the desire to crawl back to bed to catch up on sleep. There is no catching up on sleep! A stint on my mat, sun salutations, will be another energy boost.
For about a good ten years (this is a little weird confession) when I gauge how I feel in this body my number is always 17. Energy level, oomph, spirit, go getterness, when the tank is full, and I feel that joie de vivre, I’m 17. So I’m turning 40 in a week or so but this body still goes (not looks!) like my 17 year old body did, better maybe, I’m taking better care of it!
[Img.Src: Good Morning from the International Space Station]