Walking Trails Both Old & New
|When I learnt of this week’s theme I thought that just maybe my inconsistent approach to being physically active would make a 180 degree turn around if I had new venues to traverse. Every part of me wants an array of choices—from ‘What’s for dinner?’ to ‘What am I gonna wear?’ It’s then no small wonder that a boring same ole routine of exercising is going to be met with lack luster enthusiasm.
This past week I had the great opportunity to re-visit a trail I’d not seen for over a year—and even went back to make the trek in reverse. All my senses came alive with a new awareness of seeing things from a different perspective.
So, with new trails comes chances to see new colours of vegetation, hear new birds’ songs, smell new smells, climb new hills, discover new valleys. And at the same time, those muscles that have been wobbling around waiting for wake-up calls, will now be hearing booming alarm clock bellowings.
I’ve done just about as much internet searching for trails in my area that is humanly possible, even to find that there’s a possibility of walking from here to Crockett, or from here to Benicia. You know those maps that say, ‘You are here.’? Well, they should say something about getting a move on…
[Img.Src: Map, 1891]