Sometimes my whole life has been an elusive goal. Or, as Lemony Snicket writes: “A Series of Unfortunate Events”. I intend, aim, want, and desire to achieve a
Right now I’d like to constructively use the energy that springtime brings in some new-to-me evening pursuits. This topic of what APRIL could do for me couldn’t have
SUNSHINEPEACEHOPEJOYSUNSHINEPEACEHOPEJOYSUNSHINEPEACEHOPEJOYSUNSHINEPEACE Speaking about the small but joyful things that bring delight to my life makes me mindful of many bountiful blessings. For instance: I gathered up the laundry
For this week’s post I’m supposed to follow this advice: Tackling the second part first: of course I’ve acted wrongly the first time. “…as though…” my ass. But,
When I learnt that the theme of this week was all about learning, my first thoughts drifted towards curiosity, as one needs to be curious about life in
My first ever ‘public’ physical challenge went well—and sent me on the road to a certain amount of consistency. You can see from the chart below that I